Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Birthday... Us

The other day I had lunch with my friend Wendy Diamond, editor-in-chief of Animal Fair magazine During our chat she congratulated me for being in business as long as I have. Since, she said, most people in the niche pet furniture business don't last a year.

Well it’s been three years since we took this idea for luxury cat furniture and made it into a real business. Wow time has flown by, definitely with its ups and down. Manufacturing isn't easy. Plus we've noticed many new players in the market emulating what we do. However, with a commitment to innovative and attractive products, we've lasted.

It was 2005 when we started to market The Refined Feline and our two products: The Lotus and The Watchtower. The Watchtower design didn't last too long but The Lotus Cat Tower remains our top seller. Since then we've launched 4 cat products and 2 dog products... with more to come.

Overall it's been a great three years. We've met and enjoyed chats with countless cat and dog owners. We get letters and pictures thanking us for FINALLY making pet furniture that's actually attractive. They make our day.

Like any new business there has been a learning curve and as we are getting better at what we do, we are growing our product categories and lines. I hope you sign up to our newsletter to hear what new products we come up with in the near future.

Thank you for supporting us.

Josh Feinkind

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